Our story
Fingers Pie Shop started in 2020 as the beginning of the pandemic closed local businesses and one specific favorite local pie shop. With the world changing, what way was there to find stability but in the kitchen. News came soon after for us of little girl due later that winter, so we got busy. From planning recipes and trying new combinations we began to grow into a small home bakery. One night while cooking, there were no supplies so we had to go old-fashioned and use our hands. With a newborn asleep on our chest, the childlike wonder came alive and the name Fingers was born. A beautiful baby girl came that Christmas and our love for baking, especially for others, grew more. Five years later amidst life’s ups and downs we are still working hard. Fingers Pie Shop now sells a wide selection of breads and pastries online and locally.
We have a philosophy of balance—a balance of old techniques and new ones, of different ingredients and flavors, and of passion and skill.
Our ingredients
We work with only local markets and stores to source all of the grains, fruit, and dairy that go into our breads and pastries. Our bakes are human—from the farmers who mill and harvest our grains, to the bakers who put passion and care into each loaf they make.
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